Davnor Water Filters Ltd. manufactures and markets small plastic BioSand Water Filters (BSF's). While superficially similar to the traditional BSF designs, the technology is unique. The Davnor filters have a global market, in both rural and urban settings, or on North American farms, recreational properties and acreages and households too remote to obtain water from treated sources (e. g. Northern Canadian communities) and emergency water treatment situations. The Davnor filtration technology compliments the concrete household BSF typically used in disadvantaged rural communities. The advantage of the plastic BSF is the ability to produce a large volume of high quality units which can be easily distributed with the knowledge that they will be correctly promoted, sold, installed and technically supported.
(Also see Manz Engineering Ltd. for large scale, humanitarian and emergency response.)
Davnor manufactures and markets small scale plastic water filtration systems that are simple enough that engineering or other specialized technical knowledge may not be required.
The three basic automation systems that employ the Davnor BSF60 filter can be enhanced by adding additional filters operating in parallel, adding UV disinfection between the filter and the treated water storage tank, a water softener to reduce hardness, an activated carbon filter to remove color and odor and adding a household reverse osmosis unit after the re-pressurization pump to remove dissolved solids from drinking water (all wastewater from the reverse osmosis unit is returned to the storage tank - no waste).
The Manz BSF 12, marketed as the Cabin Clean Water Filter, produces a maximum of 12 liters per hour. It is the smallest BSF filter marketed by Davnor. The filter has several unique features including the ability to be commissioned and cleaned using a backwash process. The filter is normally manually operated but can be operated automatically. Features such as UV disinfection can be added.
See www.cabincleanwaterfilter.com for details of the Cabin Clean Water Filter.
This filter can produce up to 60 liters per hour when treating surface water or up to 100 liters per hour when treating groundwater. The filter is designed to be automatically operated and cleaned using a backwash process.
Note that until recently this filter was marketed by Manz Engineering Ltd. as the MEL BSF 60.
The Manz BSF 60 can be used in exactly the same manner as the original filters produced by Davnor Water Treatment Technologies Ltd. prior to 2004 BUT with improved operation and ease of cleaning.
See Old Manuals for examples.
This is the basic automatic filtration system for removal of iron from well water. This system includes an aeration tank prior filtration. It was developed by Davnor Water Treatment Technologies Ltd. and used very successfully on several farms and acreages in Western Canada. The use of the Manz BSF 60 greatly enhances the treatment technology.
(Filter system above is a Davnor Groundwater System with two head tanks and aeration for removal of iron.) Manuals for Automated Davnor Water Treatment Technologies pre 2004 for treatment of groundwater and surface water available for download in last two sections of this page.
This is the basic automation filtration system to treat surface water for removal of suspended solids and pathogens. Pretreatment (e. g. settling some of the larger suspended solids) can be added if necessary. It is advisable to use UV disinfection between the filter and the treated water storage tank. The performance of this system is greatly enhanced by using the Manz BSF 60.
Davnor has considerable experience in treating ground and surface water over the past 25 years in Canada and around the world.
The best information on the Cabin Clean Water Filter may be found in the dedicated web site, www.cabincleanwaterfilter.com
The BioSand Water Filter technology was developed to provide people worldwide with water that was safe for them to drink. Initially, the focus was on the least advantaged, the poorest of the poor. It quickly became apparent that most of the world population did not have access to water that was safe to drink - not just the poorest of the poor. Water may be available but not safe.
The concrete version of the BioSand Water Filter technology was donated to anyone who would take it to the people in the least advantaged communities worldwide. This strategy for disseminating the technology has proven very successful.
It was soon discovered that the concrete version of the BioSand Water Filter did have some limitations in terms of the quality of water it could treat, environment it needed, physical characteristics, convenience of use, marketability and aesthetics.
After almost thirty years of experience with the BioSand Water Filter technology it was possible to overcome most of these limitations and the Cabin Clean Water Filter and a variety of other BioSand Water Filter technologies were born. The Cabin Clean Water Filter was particularly important because it freed individuals to take responsibility for the provision of safe drinking water themselves.
The 'Messages' that follow provide a description as to how the Cabin Clean Water Filter technology may be distributed to all communities worldwide and what its advantages are. Details of these opportunities may be found in the sister web site: www.cabincleanwaterfilter.com
In 2011 the United Nations Environmental Program recommended the BioSand Water Filter, BSF, as part of the program for adapting to changes in water availability. Since then the Cabin Clean Water Filter or CCWF was developed. It is an innovative version of the BSF technology that includes all its advantages plus the ability to cost effectively reach all corners of the world in need of sufficient, safe water - particularly as the effects of climate change are reducing available water resources.
The CCWF technology is effective, robust, culturally acceptable, simple to use and easy to implement by any organization. It can be made available in quantities appropriate for the enormous task at hand.
A CCWF can treat most water water supplies considered for human use including drinking, personal hygiene, household hygiene, cooking, laundry and sanitation. Not only are all parasites removed, bacteria and virus concentrations typically reduced to sub-infectious levels, spores of fungus that cause a variety of skin and other infections; but also, all skin penetrating organisms such as bilharzia.
Often local water supplies are known to be dangerous to human health and great effort is made to access limited safer water supplies that might be quite distant or simply unavailable.
Available water supplies might be full of sediment which quickly disables all other types of water filters. The ability to clean the filter quickly and simply to immediately restore its treatment capacity is unique to the Cabin Clean Water Filter.
Water supplies in most urban centers worldwide distribute treated water that is considered unsafe for human consumption resulting in the need to purchase bottled water or use of inappropriate and expensive imported water treatment systems.
The CCWF is able to treat water from municipal treated water supplies made available to consumers using contaminated piped systems, trucks, hand-carts or other means.
Water scarcity is forecast to be one of the major impacts of climate change.
A CCWF treats most water supplies to a quality safe for drinking without using any additional energy or incurring any operation and maintenance costs. The CCWF will produce sufficient safe water for all household needs for a family of five. It will last more than 20 years. The filters can be used as required, are portable and can be safely stored until needed.
CCWFs eliminate the need for bottled water. Plastic pollution is greatly reduced and there are significant energy savings by no longer manufacturing the plastic bottles themselves or the treated water inside them.
The CCWF technology is effective, robust, culturally acceptable, long lasting and simple to use.
A CCWF treats water using little or no energy. Forests are preserved. Fossil fuels aren't needed. Land resources are preserved. Energy is conserved.
Manufacture of the CCWF uses materials and technology which minimize the use of energy (minimal carbon footprint). The CCWF has no maintenance cost. It is easily repaired if damaged. All material used in the manufacture of the CCWF can be recycled. It is the only treatment technology that fill all requirements of the 'circular economy'.
If manufactured and distributed in large volume the cost for a CCWF and be expected to be retailed for less that CDN $50.00. This would allow for profitable manufacture, distribution and retail in a manner typical of both urban and rural communities throughout the world. Note that this cost is much less than any available treatment technology.
The purchase price of a CCWF can be expected to be recovered in a few months time by avoiding the purchase of bottled or delivered water. Money previously spent on the acquisition of safe water can now be used for purchase of food, clothing and school supplies.
The purchase of a CCWF is a very good investment for the household.
The Cabin Clean Water Filter address completely or partially addresses 11 out of the 17 UN SDGs including:
#1. No poverty - eliminating need to purchase safe drinking water or pay medical expenses for family made ill by unsafe water.
#3. Good health and well-being. Eliminate water borne diseases which may cause chronic poor health (e.g. bilharzia) and serious illness.
#5. Gender equality. Women not obliged to walk great distances for access to safe water. Men can assist in alleviating these and other needs associated with providing adequate water supplies.
#6 Clean water and sanitation. The CCWF provides adequate safe water for all household needs (drinking, cooking, personal hygiene, household hygiene, food preparation and cooking, laundry and sanitation (by providing sufficient safe water for hand washing associated with adequate sanitation practices).
#12 Responsible consumption and production. Eliminates pollution with nearly zero energy consumption.
#13 Climate action. Uses zero energy to produce safe water. Zero maintenance. Very long life. Constructed using recyclable materials.
#14 Life below water. Eliminated plastic pollution of surface water bodies including rivers, lakes and oceans and so protecting the aquatic life that many people in the world depend on.
#14. Life on land. Minimize need for fuel and destruction of forests. Reduce solid waste pollution by eliminating use of non-recyclable plastic bottles.
The CCWF has been designed to be successfully used by the least skilled in any community worldwide. It is simple to operate, clean and maintain if necessary.
The CCWF is culturally friendly. It is accepted by people of all nationalities, political beliefs, religious beliefs or otherwise.
The CCWF can be successfully marketed in the most sophisticated to the least sophisticated retail environments (big box stores to village and roadside kiosks).
The CCWF is designed to be manufactured in most countries using available manufacturing technologies and locally acquired filter media. Introduction of the CCWF in any country will employ many people in the manufacturing, distribution and retail sectors.
At the present time the CCWF is marketed in Canada through the internet and shipped using available postal services. This is a model that can be used anywhere in the world.
The CCWF is the best available solution to the challenge of providing sufficient, safe water to the world.
The cost of providing safe water would be less than 1% of the money spent on arms used for warfare.
The distribution of the CCWF is one of the best ways for countries to adapt to impending water supply shortages due to climate change. It is worth supporting and funding initiatives of this nature and should be seriously considered in discussions of the upcoming COP26 soon to be held in Glasgow, Scotland.
CCWFs are ideal for rapid and long term response to communities in need of sufficient, safe water after earthquakes (e.g. Haiti), hurricanes (e. g. IDA), and refugee camps (drought and war).
CCWFs can be stored in warehouses to be made available for disaster relief.
CCWFs each can treat sufficient water for up to 20 people using available water supplies .
CCWFs weigh less than 15 liters of bottled water and are easily transported.
CCWFs are easily commissioned and made ready to use.
CCWFs that are damaged by extreme events are easily restored at very low cost.
Ease of use has been demonstrated by the millions of BSFs in now uses around the world.
The CCWF was developed with the idea that it could be mass produced, distributed and retailed in such a way that it was profitable for all businesses participating in any phase of these activities.
Manufacturing process is able to exploit renewable energy resources available worldwide.
Manufacturing and distributing CCWFs provide substantial employment opportunities from the most to the least skilled.
The business opportunity is significantly enhanced by the opportunity to exploit the access to potentially very large 'avoided emissions' credits that can be used to offset unavoidable GHG emissions in a company's other operations.
Companies that manufacture and sell CCWFs are meeting the need of investors to put their money into products that are sustainable and climate friendly.
There is substantial opportunity for businesses manufacturing and selling CCWFs to meet corporate 'Environmental, Social and Governance', ESG, goals. There are significant opportunities to meet 'corporate social responsibility goals'. See: www.cabincleanwaterfilter.com.
The CCWF is a product that defines the concept of the 'circular economy'.
Interested parties should contact: davidmanz@shaw.ca.